We Need To Talk About Kevin Analysis
At the beginning of the clip, the camera first shows the white curtain in a long shot then zooms into a close up of the curtain, this creates a sense of tension as it looks more like a horror. This makes me feel tense as you feel as though something is going to jump out at the camera. The first scene contrasts with the next scene as it is very dark and the next is bright and has lots of colour to it; the noise also contrasts because it goes from quiet to loud. In the first scene the sound was non diegetic as there is a clock like noise which repeatedly speeds up and gets louder as we get closer to the curtains. The non dietetic sound then it goes into the crowds noise in the next scene. When we first see the second scene in the tomato festival we see the people from a birds eye view which zooms into a close up of them. When she is being picked up we see it from a low angle which emphasises her importance. We then see her from a birds eye view which is a mid shot.
The second scene shows how she lived before she had kids and a husband. We know she lived in Spain as there was a lot of tomatoes in the second scene as there is a yearly tomato festival; during this sequence there is a lot of red (the car and house as well as the tomato festival), red connotes blood and can also create the feeling of love. During the festival scene, she gets carried in a shape of a cross. This could represent that she may be a christian, it could also show that her having kids was a burden as the cross was to Jesus Christ. It could also be an angelic view as she has her arms out like an angel, the way she is covered in red could represent there may be danger.When she is being picked up we see it from a low angle which emphasises her importance. We then see her from a birds eye view which is a mid shot. When they put her down in the tomatoes, as the tomatoes look like blood this could foreshadow her families and others deaths.
In the next scene we see curtains which symbolises that the camera is in someones house. The camera zooms in on the dirty plates and food which could tell us she isn't looking after her house, which give us an impression that she's given up. As she gets up she knocks over some pills which signifies the impression that she's given up as she could have over dosed. She looks out the window as she wakes up and its an oblique angle as its tilted which could mean her world is falling apart because when a camera tilts it gives a sense of distortion. When she breaks the door handle after getting up, the way she grabs the door to get it open shows her attitude is saying she's giving up and she doesn't care about her belongings. As she walks outside she faces her house and the background isn't in focus (shallow focus), this shows that she doesn't fit in with the people around her as the other buildings are clean and nice whereas hers isn't. This is because everyone knows about what her son did and they're taking it out on her. The camera changes to her house and the camera goes into focus which can suggest its her little corner where she can fit in because its her house and she has her own world there. As the house has red paint stains on the front of her house and on her car, it could suggest that a massacre could have happened there; this links to the massacre at the school as her son went and killed a lot of people. Her son killed a lot of people at his school including his dad and little sister.

When she goes back into the house after closing the door, the camera cuts to a Point Of View shot which we see a nice clean house interior. This could be the house they lived in before. The house which she lived in is the complete opposite to which she is living in now. In the POV shot we see a little girl which is her daughter, as she is only little she could represent innocence.
The camera cuts to the mother after the girl turns around and smiles, she appears looking down at the camera from a high angle which then makes the camera at a low angle. She then starts refreshing herself in some water, in the water they edited the clip to cut to her sons face; this could represent her trying to cleanse herself or her son trying to take back what he did. It could also suggest that after everything he did, he is trying to over power her. This could be because he knows she would have nothing left but her memories.
The sense of innocence is repeated as she is dancing with her dad and they're laughing, the scene also creates a sense of security due to the high key lighting and the atmosphere. The scene cuts to the mother smiling at her daughter and husband dancing which could mean that she hasn't smiled in a while. In the next scene her daughter is playing with her red teddy bear which is a dog.
In the background you can see someone walking to the camera with a black bag as you can't really see their face. This could mean that he is hiding something creating a sense of mystery. He slams it on the table next to her daughter and says to her "Good Morning." after saying this he appears to have something on his mind which could mean he's feeling a bit conflicted. His dad appears behind him and ruffles his hair, which he forces himself to smile this could suggest he doesn't get on with either of his parents. This could also suggest that he resents them by the way he looks at them when his dad walks away. At the end of the clip the daughter slams down her stuffed animal; this could represent the deaths because the teddy is red.
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