Tuesday 4 October 2016



In this clip from 1:56 - 3:17 it sets the scene in which they're trying to prevent Voldemort. The music helps set the scene when they are doing the barrier spell. The way the camera tracks the barrier being built helps the setting become more interesting as to what is going to happen next. The way the barrier pushes the dementors away suggests that something is going to happen because the dementors are dark creatures in the wizarding world. The camera then starts panning over to the left and you see the bridge leading to hogwarts as the music starts fading out.

Props & Costume...

In this clip you see the Joker and Batman fighting. You can clearly see that their costumes are very different. In the scene the prop that the joker uses is the pole that he hits batman with. Batman doesn't have props other than his gadgets he carries on him. The prop is relevant to the scene as they are fighting


In this clip Bella and Edward appear to be getting married. You see her smiling walking down the aisle, with the camera tracking backwards as she walks forward. The camera cuts to the people she looks at who are looking at her with smiles as well. Then you see Edward and Bella appear on the end of the aisle together and she looks forward to see a vampire who scares her. She plays a convincing scared reaction shot and as she looks back the camera goes to a low angle after letting us see blood in rose petals. Edward doesn't seem to be scared at all like Bella as he looks as if he's embracing the fact they have just killed everyone at the wedding. This gives us a convincing performance.

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